The anime gallery 

The Téléguide


Plenty of images of the anime and the movies

The whole Téléguide serie that resumes the anime episodes

Graphic artworks made by CC fans


The Manga 

The Mysterious images



Images with unkown origins...


A collection of colour illustrations made by Yumiko Igarashi: pure jewels!!! ^^


Into Images episodes
(In French)

Gallery of the Italian comics


All the infos images of the Italian comics, made like a sequel to the anime.


Comics imagined and made by "Candy Candy" fans. (In French)

Carlo Lai   The gallery of horrors Candy in the 90's

All the artworks of the talented Carlo, Yumiko Igarashi's first assistant. 


A collection of the worst illustrations about Candy! ^^
(In French)

  The gallery of the Spanish comics The hot guys 

A gallery of the most beautiful male heroes of the serie ... ^^